Sunday 19 March 2017

You are what you eat...

You are what you eat is such an underrated phrase in my opinion. You hear it all the time but how often do you actually take into account what it means?

I will be honest when I heard that phrase I would think yeah if you eat unhealthy processed high fat foods continuously then you will feel awful, be overweight and generally feel like crap, flip side if you eat healthy well balanced diet you feel wonderful - am I right?

So lets rewind to last summer, around May time 2016. A rash starts appearing on my body, a really red, sore rash on my legs, under arms and side of my stomach, I didn't notice it much until it started getting really painful and really obvious! 

Now I have super sensitive skin, it has taken me ages to work out my skin care routine and get the balance so I don't break out, and now something has tipped the balance.
So I tried changing my deodorant, my washing powder, cleaning products used around the house, even down to my exercise trousers, and nothing changed! 

Fast forward to September, winter is on its way and I am about to change to winter breakfast - summer is eggs and toast, winter is porridge with almond milk. I also take out a morning coffee as I find the porridge to be really filling and can't manage a coffee as well. 
After a few weeks I notice some changes, I am less bloated and also my rash is looking a little less red not by much but it looks like it is clearing up. 

So I start to consider that the phrase you are what you eat might have more meaning to that I originally thought, now I think about it I don't even know why I didn't think that the food I am putting into my body would effect the outside, my diet was always 80% clean 20% dirty, so I didn't think think that my diet would ever effect my complexion. 

So I looked at everything in my diet that contained dairy and took it out. Cheese (crying), milk products, yogurts, butter, chocolate, pizza etc and started from scratch. 

Since then the rash has completely cleared up, I had a flare up over Christmas, further confirming that any dairy product is going to effect me, the way I feel and also my complexion. 

At first it was a bit of a pain if I am totally honest, sometimes I would eat things and immediately feel sick, bloat out to looking 6 months pregnant, or break out- so I knew that had to leave the food group. Now I read every ingredient before buying and consider what might be in the meal when I go out to eat. After a few weeks of food shopping I pretty much knew what I can and couldn't have in my daily diet. I am pretty regimented with my eating, always the same thing every day, makes macro counting easier as well! 

I also look for alternatives - so pizza is my ultimate food I love it, so now I look at the free from section and making things from scratch, home made pizza is actually way better and the difference is SO much better. 

The free from aisle is now my favourite section, for foods that contain dairy they have the alternative, the only thing that is really not the same is cheese. Free from cheese is awful, so now I just don't eat it all, it makes me so sad because I love cheese, one day my body will change its mind I am sure.... ;)

So if you are having a similar problem I would highly recommend looking into your diet and thinking more about what you eat. 
Keep a food diary and if you have any reactions from bloating, feeling sick to hives make a note of what you ate and also at what time, and how you felt that day. 

Looking for nutrition plans, advice or eating tips email us for more information! 

Monday 12 December 2016

Being SMART about your goals

Can you believe 2016 is nearly over? Just 20 short days are left of this year, and now begins the time to make the goals for 2017.

But when making the goals we want to achieve do we look at what it takes to achieve them? I mean really look and plan them out, writing down I want to get fit and go to the gym is a start but what does this mean. When will you achieve this by, what level of fit do you want to be, when does this end? 

SMART is a great way to plan out your goals and layout exactly how your will be achieving them.

Lets look at an example to explain a little more -

S - specific - be specific about your goal what exactly is it going to be 
M - measurable - how are you going to measure this - if you want to lose weight you will measure by scales and a tape measure, if you want to get fit you measure by fitness tests or for example being able to walk upstairs without being out of breath
A - achievable - how are you going to achieve this - what changes are you going to make? join a gym, make better food choices, hire a personal trainer to help you 
R- realistic - 2 stone in a month is not realistic and running a 10k in a month when you have never run before is also not realistic. Loosing weight 1lb per week or training for a 10k over a series of months will be mean you are more likely to achieve these goals and not feel disheartened if you don't achieve them quickly. 
T- time, set a deadline. With a clear cut line of what you want to achieve this you will know what you are working towards and are more likely to stay on track. 

My goals for 2017 are to work on all the little skills I am missing - strict strength, gymnastics, building my aerobic capacity ready for 2018 and to go back to competing.
I also want to work more on my personal training and coaching, continually educating myself in the field of strength and conditioning and making sure that I can be the best there is! 


Wednesday 16 March 2016

Workout Wednesday - Burpee box jump over

Take one burpee add in a box jump over and you get one of the most brutal exercises I have done in a while! 

Burpees and jumping over anything are tough, I don't mind burpees when they are simple standard burpees... kind of but adding in a jump and that heart rate is going to shoot up unless you control that breathing! So why am I suggesting this move for you - because it is a fantastic exercise for the whole body, get that blood pumping, heart working and an all round good fat burning exercise! 

So the equipment you need is a box to jump on to, if there are no boxes at your gym then set up a barbell with 20kg plate on - enough to create a good height for you to jump over, and mats on the floor if you need them. 

You can start this exercise off in two ways, either facing the bar or box or to the side. It really makes no difference unless the exercise specifies facing the bar. 
The burpees will happen first - this is to be a hand release chest to the floor burpee! None of this half burpee I see where people going into a plank and springing back up! Get that chest to the floor!

Next is the jump over the bar or onto the box. Position yourself so you are close enough to jump on or over to make sure you don't trip or fall! Once on top of the box jump down and perform another burpee, and repeat!

Look at doing 30 seconds of these with 30 seconds rest for 12 minutes and you will really feel a goo burn! 

If you want to add it into a routine I did a great one on Saturday of the following - 
15x box jumps 
10x pull ups 
15x burpees 
10x wall balls 

for 20 minutes as many reps as possible

Combine the box jumps and burpees together for 15 reps and add in 15x kettlebell swings to replace the 4th exercise. 

Let me know how you get on and enjoy!! 


Thursday 10 March 2016

Achieving your goals

Happy March everyone! Can you believe it is March already? I feel like this year is zooming by already! 

So 3 months in, lets check on those new years resolutions... who is sticking to them and whose have ended up brushed under the carpet? 

If you are in the latter you are probably not alone! It isn't because your a failure or never going to achieve anything, it is simply because you set unrealistic goal or unrealistic time scales for you to achieve these. For example losing 1 stone in 1 month... if you want to keep it off and do it in a healthy way then no this is not a good time scale.

So lets reset it is only March there are 9 months left in the year for you to achieve your 2016 goals we just need to re-evaluate time scales and those goals you have set! 

Here are some tips for your to take into account:

  • Look at the time scale you have set yourself - are these possible? If you set yourself a goal of 7lbs to loose in one week you will fail, I can tell you this because it just isn't possible and if you do loose it in one week then it will not long lasting and will be dangerous for your health. Aim for 1lb per week and if you achieve more great, but 1lb is alot and you should be proud of this loss! 
  • Is your goal going to make you happy - you are working to this goal but what is it doing for you? Goals are selfish they are what you want to achieve so they should bring satisfaction - lifting a heavy weight, hitting that long awaited PB or wearing that swimsuit on holiday. If it is going to make you happy when you achieve it go for it, you will probably find that when you achieve it you will be hungry for more! That's how I feel when  I hit a PB once that goal is achieved I look for the next number to hit
  • Work towards it every day - don't go in half assed, go for it and work your butt off to achieve it! Make a plan and stick to it! A fail to plan is a plan to fail 
  • Set mini goals - if your ultimate goal is a big one set mini goals as check in points - every 6 weeks check in your mini goal and see if you have achieved it, over succeeded it or if there is still more work to be done, the beauty of a mini goal is that you can keep yourself on track and if you need to tweak some things you can make the changes and see the difference
  • Don't get frustrated - if you don't achieve something right a way look at why you are failing - going back to the beauty of mini goals - look at what your doing wrong and fix it. for example I am working on toes to bar - I cant get the kick high enough so I worked on loosening my back and my lat strength as this is key is lasting is a continuous loop of toes to bar. Its frustrating that I am not there yet but I am working at all the small parts to make the bigger picture!
If you are looking to get back on track and want a personalised plan, please send me across an email with details and we can put something together for you! 

Sunday 21 February 2016

Beat the Sunday night blues...

You've had a great weekend, eaten good food, got some good workouts in, seen friends and family, spent it with your loved one... then there is this feeling, it sets in around 4pm, the Sunday blues, the oh man the weekend is over and I have to go back to work blues. 

This is normally reserved for people in jobs who don't like them that much, know they have a hard week ahead, or if your like my dad who works away from home, leaving your loved one at home whilst you stay away for the week! 

I personally don't get the sunday blues that much any more, I don't mind my job so much, I get it more on an early shift because who likes a 4am wake up call but in general I don't mind it. 

But here are some ways to beat the sunday blues and make sure you make the most of your weekend without worrying about the week ahead! 

  • Get the boring stuff done first - But I have so much to do I hear you cry - especially if you have kids, it takes a lot more time to get things done! So prioritize the chores that need to be done when they are occupied or napping, or if they are old enough get them to join in! Get the boring stuff out the way first then spend the rest of the weekend enjoying your time. Once they have gone to bed that is you "me" time, spend it with your partner, watch some tv and enjoy the peace and quiet! If you are without children its still applies it just means you have less distractions! 
  • Take a bath - a hot bath with candles is a perfect way to end a weekend. Turn off the lights, light some candles, shut the door and breath. It's amazing how much better you can feel when you just shut everything out and just relax. 
  • Clean bedsheets - argue with me that there is nothing better than climbing into a clean bed and I will argue with you right back! I LOVE clean sheets, the feel, the smell - yes I never want to leave the bed again but it makes me feel so good, especially after my relaxing bath I feel ready to settle down.
  • Read - don't watch tv an hour before bed, especially in your bed! Put the laptop down, the phone away and any other technology and open that book. The read doesn't have to be relaxing, I love crime thrillers - not exactly bedtime reading but it works for me! 
  • Make your bedroom your sanctuary - I make sure my bedroom is for sleeping or bed activities.... nothing else, no eating, no working, no stress. My boyfriend does everything from bed... We have a small house and when I am downstairs he claims upstairs... I don't agree with this, by him working in bed, eating in bed and basically doing everything in that room I think he associates it more with stress without realising, he won't listen to me of course but I know that since I have stopped doing all those things in bed I have slept a lot better
  • Think positive - if you are feeling stressed write it down. By the time you are finished you normally feel ten times better, you have vented to the person who understands - you - and you have let your feelings go. When I was really stressed about things in my life I used to write a list of everything that bugged me and then I would burn it as a way to let go. It helps it really does, it may sound strange or stupid but I would give it a try! We have all seen the valentines ritual on friends right? Where they burn the picture of ex boyfriends to break the curse? Well this is the same thing just be careful with fire we don't want the fire brigade out! 
Try these any night of the week your feeling stressed, but try to introduce them on a Sunday for a nice end to the weekend, and don't get to bogged down in the little details of the week ahead - a positive mind set is key to a healthy positive lifestyle! 


Tuesday 16 February 2016

Mindful eat whilst abroad

In the summer I wrote about the build up to a holiday and remaining on track whilst your away - that was for a beach holiday, so what happens when your going on a city break that doesn't really involve the beach, wearing a bikini but does include layers of clothes, walking and covering up?

Well I would still keep on track is the simple answer. Weekend breaks or short holidays can sometimes be worse than longer holidays because you think ah its only a weekend it's ok, oh its only 5 days, but what happens after that, your off track, crap food has happened and your back to square one!

Ok maybe not square one but still it is a step back and even though rest days and cheat days are perfectly acceptable, if you want to achieve your goal mindful eating is key!

So how do we make this happen? You are going to be eating out most if not all nights if your staying in a hotel so just be careful what you chose when you eat, instead of having a 3 course meal just have a main, skip the bread starters, change the chips to potatoes or salad. All simple things that really add up!

Don't make the mistake of skipping meals and then eating a large dinner, keep your 3 meals a day with some snacks, especially if your out all day site seeing take healthy snacks with you to keep your energy levels high and the temptation for cake and chocolate at bay!

I always try to opt for a hotel with a gym or some kind of fitness suite so I can get at least an hour of activity in a day! Get up a bit earlier and get yourself moving you will thank yourself later in the day!

It is all about be sensible with your diet and not going to extremes! Treat yourself but make sure your don't go crazy!


Sunday 14 February 2016

The search for the perfect skin care

I have dry, sensitive skin that loves to break out at really awkward moments - night out, first day of a new job, meeting new people for example.

It is also is a long, expensive, tiresome search that takes a toll on your skin and your bank account! 
I have tried brands that specialise in dry skin, sensitive skin, normal skin and these always seems to be an issue - allergic reaction, dry, tight skin or breakouts galore! 

So when I was approached by a friend from my crossfit box to try a brand called Tropic I thought why not! She handed me some free samples and off I went to try out the new products. 

I tested the moisturiser on my skin first just in case - may sound paranoid but who wants to be walking round with red patches on their face? 

After the all clear I started using the cleanser daily in the morning and evening - at first I had a breakout but after 2 days its cleared up and my skin felt so smooth and soft I couldn't stop stroking my face! 
I also used the pore cleanser after taking my makeup off - this is like a spray mist which you spray directly onto your face, it is really nice and refreshing perfect after a long day! 

After about a week and a half of using the products I found my skin had completely cleared, felt so much smoother and even better no reaction! 
I used it within my normal skin routine - I did not use the moisturiser in the end as I preferred the one I already used, however mixing it in with my other products made no difference to my skin as in there was no reaction or imbalance on my skin! 

So a little bit about the Tropic product - their tag line is Pure, Honest, Effective. 

They don't test on animals - huge bonus, and all their ingredients 100% naturally derived or nature identical.
They develop their products in the UK and even include a best before date on the bottles! How great is that? We are concious of the food we put into our body so why not on our skin as well. 

When your so concious about the food your eating and the exercise you are doing it makes sense to be including the largest organ of your body in that factor! 

If this product sounds like something you would be interested in then speak to the experts! 
Here is a link to the lovely Emma's page she is an ambassador for the company, so helpful and be happy to help anyone interested in purchasing the product! 

I wish I had taken a before and after shot, but seriously if you want a skin product that is going to make your skin feel amazing this is the one for you! 

Click here to view the website 

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