Wednesday 25 February 2015

No two spin classes are the same.

If I could recommend a group exercise class to anyone I would definitely choose spinning.
I started spinning almost a year ago when I stumbled upon a Victoria Pendleton spin class at my gym.
I had arrived for a morning workout and was asked if I wanted to join in, I thought why not I have nothing to lose and a chance to try something new.
30 mins of HIIT exercise and I was hooked, I liked the variation in the exercise and how I felt like I had an excellent, strong workout by the end of it.
So I built it into my routine, mainly to stop me running so much, so I did a class at 6.30am on a Monday, Tuesday, or Thursday morning.
Now 6.30 is quite a good time to choose because you are either awake and pumped for exercise or you are at the end of the week feeling and need a little push – either way you are going to have a good workout because no matter how unmotivated you are you cant help but get caught up in the energy in the class.

Recently I chose to spin on an evening class instead, due to work I had to miss my morning workout, so I thought why not its going to be the same its fine.
Yes same title but totally different ride, this class was far more intense and felt so much harder, it was more endurance work, hill climbs and in the seat. It was tough, I keep saying I will go back, yet to make it back to that class!!

I have had the same version of a spinning class taught to me by 4 different instructors and they were all so different, I love the variety of spinning and how even with the same instructor and music no two class is ever the same.

I have also noticed that since spinning the cellulite has totally gone from my legs! Other aspects like training legs each week and using a brush to stimulate circulation, but I am sure spinning has helped!
Other benefits I have found my fitness level has increased, I am generally quite fit, but I feel far fitter and leaner than I have done in a while.
You work not only all your leg muscles with the varying positions but also your core muscles, when you are out of the seat especially engage your core for balance and extra muscle work!
Spinning is a low impact exercise when it comes to your joints, there is no strain unlike when you run.
You feel the burn – calories and in your legs!

I highly recommend you checking out a class if your looking for something new to try!


Spicy tuna with vegetables

Ingredients – serves 3

·      Tinned tuna x 2
·      Red peppers x2
·      Red or white onion x1
·      Tin of chopped tomatoes x1
·      Diced pancetta or chorizo
·      Nandos sauce – few drops for some extra flavour
·      Risotto

Prep time – 10 minutes
Cooking time – 15 minutes

·      Cut the peppers and onions and put into a pan with a small amount of oil in.
·      Whilst the vegetables are cooking, prepare the water to boil for the risotto
·      Once the vegetables are browned, add in the two tins of tuna along with either the chorizo or pancetta for some variation of flavour
·      Let the meat and fish brown
·      Add the chopped tomatoes in along with some Nandos sauce – spice level depending on how hot you like it
·      Allow the meal to simmer whilst the risotto is cooking
·      Keep stirring to allow it to cook through.
·      Once the risotto is ready, drain the water and pour the risotto into the pan with the tuna and vegetables
·      Stir in the risotto, letting it soak in the flavours
·      Once ready dish up and serve with salad or some cheese melted on top!

Tuesday 24 February 2015

HIIT exercise

High intensity interval training. Its one of those exercise I used to dread, going all out for 30 – 45secs and then resting and then going again, essentially repeating until you’ve done 6-10 sets.
I will admit I used to be all about the endurance exercise, going for hours, putting the effort in, burning the calories, but over time by body got used to it and the exercise just became this thing my body was doing, it became used to it, and it as it became easier, partly because I was fitter, I knew I needed to shake it up.
So HIIT training it was.
I began slowly and built it up. My HIIT training began with spinning, the VP class held at Fitness First offers sprints section and race sections – short bursts of 30-60 seconds of full on, giving it your all with recovery in between.
I could feel myself getting fitter, and my body changing, but it wasn’t consistent enough for me to really feel like I was getting results, so I took advice from my partner and began interval training on the treadmill.
I started at my usual running pace of 10.8 on incline of 2 with 30 seconds on and 30 seconds off 6 sets, I gradually built this up over the months, trying to increase speed and incline as I go.
I have been doing this consistently for 6 weeks now, and I have improved from incline 2 -5 and speed from 10.8 to 13.2 each day is feeling easier and I am feeling far fitter and leaner. So it is safe to say I am a big fan of the whole HIIT thing now!
Benefits of this exercise:
It is fun! Time flies when you are on and off every 30 seconds and before you know 8 sets are done and you have finished!
Combine it with weight training for best results: I have started weight training properly 6 weeks in and I am doing less cardio more weights and feeling leaner and fitter every day. You burn more fat doing HIIT exercise, and you burn calories longer after weight training… so you want that hot summer body reevaluate your exercise plan and see the results!
Take it outside – sprints can be done on the treadmill, outside or on a bike! 

Looking for an exercise, eating plan or general advice?

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