Wednesday 4 November 2015

Workout Wednesday - Overhead press

Here is an exercise I picked up in crossfit but also from my compound training programme. 
It is a great exercise for building upper body strength focusing on your shoulders, chest and back but also if your tech is right provides a core exercise and if you are doing a push press this will involve your legs as well, so pretty much a winner! 

If you are new to this and unsure of weight to use, then start with a bar, this will allow you to practice the technique and getting your form correct before adding the weight on. 
Try to avoid using a smith machine or dumb bells as we really want to engage all the key muscles including the core with this exercise! 

For technique instruction I am going to send you over to Strong lifts this is where I got my compound training programme from as well! 

As I am still in training, I don't think I should be dishing out the advice just yet! 

For a push press simply add a little dip with the legs before pressing the weight, you may find that because you have more force you will be able to go heavier on the weight, this isn't uncommon, as you are engaging more of your body the power to lift weights become more! 

Image courtesy of stronglifts


Sunday 1 November 2015

The ultimate cheat weekend

As I said earlier in the week I have been under my calories by around 1200 every day! That roughly adds up to 4000 calories down this week!

I had one day where I was only 600 under because I had two lunches...  factor in my double sessions of weight training and crossfit, and I think we all know I have not eaten enough!
So I decided on a cheat weekend, not that it will replace the calories I haven't eaten but to help boost my body from feeling run down, and to curb my cravings of pizza!

So Friday after a glorious training session - well needed after a week of trying to get my routine back - I order dominoes! Medium pizza, nachos, wedges and chicken nuggets and it was amazing, totally what I needed and I woke up Saturday morning feeling satisfied and lean! I bloat quite easily but my body decided to be kind!
Saturday night is always cheat night for us, so the meal of choice this week was home made burgers, but with a twist! This time I used cheese to bind the meat instead of an egg.
This was for sure a winner!
The cheese melts into the burger creating a really gorgeous flavour when you bite into it! Paired with gerkins and cheese topped rolls this is without a doubt one of my favourite meals which was just enhanced!

As it was Halloween last night we also bought some sweets so we weren't the house without sweets, but no one came! So now I am left with a massive bowl of sweets and chocolate...hard life right! But I am not eating them all at once, because well calories and the fact I would probably vomit!

So it has been an awesome foodie weekend which I really felt was needed! Onward and upwards for the week ahead!

Wednesday 28 October 2015


I started a new job on Monday so my routine has been a little out of wack! 
I start at 6am so morning workouts have been moved to the afternoon, with crossfit in the evening. 

It has started to hit me a little today, but I got over it and now there are only 2 days left and I will be on lates! 

I am avoiding coffee as I don't like drinking too much caffeine it effects my body and my digestion, eating is getting better, calories are up today but still under by about 600! It is difficult finding the time to eat everything, work and train! 

I am working on a new routine so it will take some time to get my head around everything and make sure I on target with everything and make sure I get enough rest in as well! 

Change is always good but it can mess up your routine, for me it is so important to get things on track straight away so I don't upset the workout routines too much... it isn't always possible but I am trying!


Tuesday 27 October 2015

Winter is coming - make sure your exercise motivation isn't leaving!

The nights and mornings are darker, its colder and your bed or sofa is way more appealing! 
Don't get me wrong we all feel like this, some mornings I could quite happily stay in bed where it is warm and cost, but the harsh reality that I have to get up and go to work anyway makes me get my butt moving and off to the gym. 

I have actually just changed jobs so I now work shifts, early one week, lates the next so my routine is going to be all over the place! But I just have to make it work! 

So just because it is colder and darker does not mean that the exercise routine should cease and the "winter bulking" commences oh no! Summer bodies are built in the winter, this is when you can get your best work in ready for that lovely summer holiday I know you are already dreaming of! 

So how can we keep the motivation we had over the summer when the mornings were light, it was hot and clothing kept us less than covered? 

Here are some of my tips:

  • Push through - ok sounds simple and it is! Once you get there you know you are going to enjoy it! Don't think of it as a chore, think of it as a fun way to start or end your day.
  • Keep the end goal in mind - strength, fitness, weight loss or just better health, whatever it is keep this in mind, and let it fuel you
  • Get social - I find social media a great place for motivation, especially Instagram! Follow your idols and get inspired seeing them workout and let this fuel you 
  • Pick a buddy - go to classes or exercise with a friend - you are more likely to go so you don't let your friend down
  • Get prepared - prep is everything, from food to preparing your clothes, if you are going to the gym in the morning, pack your bag and lunch ready for you to pick up and go layout your gym clothes and then all you have to do in the morning is get up and go! Equally take your gym cloths to work with you and go straight from work, skipping the middle man of your home where you are more likely to sit down and forget all about the gym! 


Wednesday 7 October 2015

Workout Wednesday - Box jumps

I have a serious love/hate relationship with box jumps, but the more you do them (forced) the more you begin to understand just why this little exercise is damm good!

Sounds simple, its just jumping, sure but do it 25 times in a row and repeat 3 times you might not be so happy about it!
Box jumps are a big part of the crossfit programme so with them being in my programme alot I have come to learn to get on with them, suck it up and complete the exercise with no complaints!

Most gyms have some form of box jump equipment - I know Fitness First has lovely soft boxes so if you miss the jump it doesn't hurt so much on your shins!

To properly execute a box jump click here to learn the technique.

I understand I have not sold the box jump well - so here are the benefits you will reap if you do start adding the box jumps to your routine!

  • Strong legs - when our gym had the boxes we used to put this exercise in at the end of theleg day routine, it was a killer but a good finisher! Box jumps force you to use not only your legs but also your arms so effectively it is a full body workout. If you really want to enhance the exercise add in a squat when landing.
  • They will improve your vertical jump, speed and endurance. 
  • They will keep you strong and improve your balance, also improving bone density making them stronger
  • It is a high calorie and fat burner. As it is classed as a HIIT exercise because of the explosive nature of the exercise it is a great fat and calorie burner - perfect for those who are looking to loose weight and build up fitness
Try them out and see for yourself! At first you may not feel comfortable doing it but keep at it and like any exercise you will become a badass in no time!

Sunday 4 October 2015


So lately life has been hectic! I have been away with work, handing in my notice at work and trying to get back on the wagon of exercising like a pro! 

The work trip was ok, I ran everyday but one which felt great and walked around 3-4 miles everyday, I ate pretty healthy with a few treats - the craving of a cheeseburger and chips got too much one night so I treated myself! I stayed clear of wine and again treated myself to a few cocktails on the last night coz hey why not! 
I got back and made sure I went straight to the gym the next day to make sure I got back into my routine straight away because there is nothing worse than getting out of it! 
I was admittedly exhausted after some seriously stressful months at work, but I pushed through, it wasn't until Wednesday when I was back at crossfit that I felt totally back on it and motivated again. 
It was a great feeling!  
Eating normal, healthy foods again and working out really makes a difference in how you feel! 

I am away travelling again this weekend, but this time it is a weekend break to Rome! I have a different mind set for holidays, here I will relax, eat in moderation what I want but not worry to much because hello Italian food is one of the best kind of foods! 

I am looking forward to having a straight set of about 8 weeks with no interruptions with exercise and my routine though, I know exercise isn't everything but I am really wanting to be competition ready for the new year and it means hard, dedicated work needs to take place!
I will have a few adjusting periods when I start my new job - I will be working shifts, one week early one week late, so I will need to make sure I adapt to my new hours and fit the training in. 

I am really excited about the next few months, I am feeling super positive and happy, something that hasn't been happening for a long time! 

I am working on introducing new features to the blog as well, so bare with me if I get a bit behind, I promise I am working on keeping it up to date!

On another note - I started my birthday yesterday just right with a nice personal best on the deadlift 95kg 2 rep max!

Monday 21 September 2015

Working away and keeping up with your routine

I am away with work this week which means no gym, eating out, late nights, early mornings and very long days! It is easy to let your healthy lifestyle slip and this is where the sneaky pounds creep in! 

Sure it is only a week, but a week of drinking, lack of sleep and no exercise can leave you feeling sluggish and burnt out. 

So I am making sure that I am keeping up with at least some of the aspects to make sure that doesn't happen! 

With no gym you have to be inventive - outside workouts are key! A brisk walk in the morning can really help wake you up and make you ready for the day! Spending time with work colleagues is different to spending time with family or friends when you are away and this 15-30 mins of alone time can really help focus you and get your head together! 
Steer clear of excessive drinking - a glass of wine can often turn into a few and this is were the sneaky calories are hidden because they are liquid you are not as concious that you are consuming them! 
Stick to one glass if you really want, or stick to water. I always order water for the table anyway, so having this there can making less tempting to chug the wine. 
If you are eating out opt for healthier options and steer clear of desert! I know the chocolate brownies might be tempting but every night? Not needed! Keep it healthy all week then on your last night go for the brownies! 
Drink water! I have a 2 litre bottle at my desk that I drink all day, sometimes when your out and about it is easy to let it slip, make sure you have the bottle near you and that your keeping up the water intake, it will keep your hydrated, refreshed and vitalised.
Snacking! So I am at a trade show this week and we have lots of little snacks on the stand for clients throughout the day, sweets, mini chocolates, crisps etc... yes it is tempting! Stand clear of the snacks and if your tempted walk away! 
I distract myself by fixing something on the stand going for a walk or drinking some water! The snacks are the calories you forget to count! 

Enjoy your time away and don't make the gym your only thing in life, but as it is a work trip and not a holiday I don't take a break because it is my normal routine! 


Tuesday 15 September 2015

Sweet Potato Wedges

I am obsessed with sweet potato fries at the moment, when I go out to eat if I am feeling like chips I opt for sweet potato fries if I can, so I decided to experiment and see if I could make my own version. 


1x sweet potato - a large on cut into small chunks got me about 20 little wedges 
Salt and pepper
Olive oil


Wash the sweet potato and cut into small chunks 
Lay them out on a pan lined with tin foil 
Put the olive oil into a bowl along with the salt and pepper, then mix together
Coat each wedge in the mixture making sure it is covered all over
Put into a pre heated oven and leave to cook until dark brown

They were very tasty and a nice low calorie, good carb afternoon snack! 

They work well with several different types of meals especially home made burgers, chicken - in fact all meats! Just replace the potato or chips and add in these! 


Wednesday 9 September 2015

Workout Wednesday - Bench press

For me training chest was always neglected, apart from the pec fly I wasn't really into it!
I am pretty flat chested as it is, so I didn't really want to lose any more boob!

However as we all know, if you are training once muscle group and not the other you will become unbalanced... and so the chest training began!

My favourite is the bench press, there are 3 ways to do the bench press - flat, incline and decline. Today we are looking at flat.

Bench press can be done with 3 different types of equipment as well - dumbells, bar or with the smith machine. For beginners or people who don't have someone to spot them start light, either with dumbells or just the bar on the smith machine, this will help with building the muscles but also stability and give you the confidence when doing this exercise.

As you begin the exercise with the weights above your head inhale and bring the weights down to your chest, if you are working with a bar bring the bar to your chest, and exhale when bringing the weight back up.
Repeat for 8-10 reps 3 sets and add weight if you feel confident to do so.


Monday 7 September 2015

Weight lifting - the good, the bad and the ugly

There is no doubt about it that whilst weightlifting does not make you bulky it sure as hell does change your body!

Like any exercise when you dedicate yourself fully to the programme your body will change for the better. 
Looking at my past exercise programmes they have always been weight loss based, and the results I have been used to were clothing getting bigger, me getting smaller and the number on the scale decreasing.

BUT was I happy? Honestly... no. I was never satisfied with the results and never knew where this was going to end. If I got skinny my life would be better, but I got skinny and I was still the same, life was still the same and therefore my end goal kept changing to a lower and lower weight. 

Switch to now and my end goal is endless, I have a clear focus and it is limitless... to an extent of course!
I want to compete in crossfit and olympic lifting competitions, I want to be strong as fuck and beat all the boys. 

I am one month into training and I am loving it, it has made exercise fun, and I am constantly working to improve on everything. 

Sounds great right, and of course it is I love it but the changes to my body and the new calorie and nutrition goals are new to me and have been proving to be a struggle mentally to make sure I hit the calorie goal and also deal with the fact I am outgrowing my trousers! 

So why lift? 

The good: you feel pretty badass when you hit a new PR and achieve something new each week. Highlights for me have been lifting 85kg deadlift, and also being able to squat with 140kg on my back. The feeling of this was like no other and I felt so proud of myself to have done this. 
You will also feel sexy, you will find you have curves and muscles like never before, and also an ass and legs that both women and men will envy. 
All the foods. That is all I have to say on that one. 

The bad: you will out grow your clothes, trousers will become tighter and eventually jeans will not be your friend, tops will become tighter and if your like me you will spend every free moment in gym clothes, vests and shorts... work clothes are not usually my friend! 
But this is all progress, it is just a different kind, health and fitness are not measured by numbers alone, it is about how you feel and what your goals are. 
Don't compare yourself to anyone else, just focus on you. 

The ugly: you will be questioned if you are a girl as to why you lift. People in the gym bubble love it, admire it and cheer you on, those who are out of it will question it, and probably will not understand it. Daily I hear "don't lift to heavy, you will get bulky" "aren't you scared you will look like a man" "surely you just want to be toned and not have muscle" 
Brush it off and again focus on you. There will always be negative people in the world, you don't need this in your life.

So if you had worries that lifting weights would make you an instant bodybuilder have no fear! The women and men who train specifically for bodybuilding have been working for months or even years to look like that.
When it comes to body shape there is no quick fix and it is the same for muscle gain - there is no quick solution!

Next time you are in the gym, embrace the weight section and watch the changes happen! 


Friday 4 September 2015

I just can't get enough...


Upping my training meant I was working alot harder and obviously I was going to be tired, but after week 3 I started to feel exhausted, like really exhausted and was finding it hard to function normally - but why? I was sleeping enough so that couldn't be it, so I turned to the foods I was eating. 
Now I briefly touched upon this last week but eating is SO important!! Sounds obvious right? But really it's not. I thought I was eating enough, but when I tracked for a day I was around 1000 cals under my eating, my carbs were too low and I was not getting the right amount of energy in for the energy I was putting out. 

So I logged into good old My Fitness Pal and reassessed my goals, my training hours and weight, hit save and up comes my calorie allowance of 2750... wow! I don't think I have ever eaten that much in one day unless it has been Dominos cheat meal!!
So I began logging my food for the day making sure I was eating enough carbs - still working on this, enough fats again still working on this, hitting my calorie goal or at least near it to make sure I have the energy and nutrients I need to function. 

Eating this amount of food is harder than you think, sure I could stuff my face with high calorie foods for 3 meals a day and hit it, but that it is not effective and will not benefit me in anyway! One of my fellow gym goers said it doesn't matter what form it goes in you just have to eat... even if it means takeaways and Burger King... no just no. If you are looking to get fat and basically undo the hard work you are putting in when in the gym then sure go for it, but I don't recommend following this advice at all! 

I want to be lean, muscular and have low body fat, so eating clean is a high priority to me, my boyfriend eats 3000 cals a day of healthy clean food, carbs and fats included, he is working on bulking so experimenting with food to see what works best for him - I can assure you it is not Burger King! 

So if you are looking to track your calories and see how much you are eating or not eating I highly recommend My Fitness Pal, it has a great online community as well!

Wednesday 2 September 2015

Workout Wednesday - Circuit Training

Circuit training is a gem if you get bored easily during your workout, and really simple! 

I have been doing more circuit work recently and I am a fan! As someone who was finding her routine a little to familiar and not pushing myself as hard as I felt I could circuit training has really helped inspire and motivate me to work harder.

Short bursts of high intense training is also great for improving fitness and burning unwanted fat! 

So where to begin? Look at your favourite exercises that use free weights - dumbells or kettlebells and cardio that doesn't involve a machine - or it can do if you want it depends on the layout of your gym - pick 3 from each and put them together for 6 stations. 
For timings if you are looking for a hard workout spend 45 secs at each going all out with 15 seconds to move on and prepare your next exercise. 
After 6 mins take your first minute to 2 minute rest, no longer as we don't want the heart rate to slow down! 
Then begin again, I would aim for 4 rounds at 6 minutes work 1 minute rest totally in 28 mins of exercise. 

Remember to warm up before the exercise by mimicking some of the movements you are going to make and also 10 mins of cardio to warm up the muscles and get the blood flowing. Cool down and stretch is also essentials as you do not want to be sore after! 

An example of the circuit I did the other day was as follows - 4 stations 1 minute at each, with 1 minute rest for 6 rounds. 

1 min row
1 min kettlebell swings
1 min thrusters with weight
1 min ring pulls 
1 min rest

If you think that sounds easy have a go! It is tempting to go all out on the first round, but then you will burn out, maintain a pace throughout and go all out on the last 2 rounds giving everything you have, then enjoy the satisfaction when you are done! 


Wednesday 26 August 2015

Workout Wednesday - Swimming

I love swimming, I have swam pretty much since I was born, well been in the water since I was born I wasn't that advanced as a child! But I swam competitively for my school, every Tuesday I would swim after school for an hour earning badges in lengths, lifesaving etc and then when I left school I swam for fun, I swam on a Sunday after work to relax and keep myself healthy - I will be honest it was the only form of exercise I was doing because well I got lazy from  the age of 13 and gained weight, but always loved swimming, I am a water baby, I exercise on holiday anyway but also end up swimming some lengths in the pool.

So why swim?
It is low impact on your joints, so if you have injuries, or cannot do weight baring exercises for a long amount of time then swimming is the exercise for you. Water leaves you weightless so there is no stress on your joints when you exercise, hydrotherapy is often recommended to patients recovering from surgery as a way to exercise and build up their muscles but with no stress on the joints.

Full body- it is rare to find exercises that work the entire body, but this is one of them, whatever stroke you choose to do you will be working both upper and lower body muscles, it will help improve muscle tone because water is 12 times as dense as air and also provides a resistance you are constantly working against.

Mental health - like all exercise swimming releases that feel good hormone, making you feel less stressed, happier and all round pretty damm good about yourself. I also find the water to be peaceful, granted sometimes the swimming pool is hectic, but pick the right time to swim and it can be as relaxing as meditation. Outdoor swimming on holiday in the sunshine is one of the most relaxing things because of the sunshine and the peace and quite, I always feel better about myself after exercise but I feel peaceful and centred when I leave the pool.

I understand that if you feel self concious in the gym then maybe you think swimming isn't for you but lets talk about it for a second - I was swimming when I was a size 20 and 16 stone... the only part where people are going to see you is the short walk from the changing room to the pool, then you are in the water, but that is not the point, you are there for you and doing something that will benefit you, so for that short walk I want you to hold your head high, smile and not worry about a thing!

Happy swimming guys!

Monday 24 August 2015

How to get the best results from your training

You train everyday, eat healthy, do everything you are supposed to do and yet you are not seeing results... does this sound familiar? You are not alone, we have all been there where we are doing everything we have been told to do and yet nothing! Frustrating isn't it! 

So lets have a look at what factors could be effecting your training and what you can do to make sure you can achieve your maximum potential. 

If your goal is to lose weight then a calorie deficit needs to be made, but make the calories to low and your body will begin to hold on to the little food that your are putting into it. 
Your body needs energy and the energy comes from the food you are putting in, you can't expect a car to run on empty so why would your body?
I have recently upped my training routine, starting Crossfit and Olympic lifting, and for the first 2 weeks I was feeling so run down by the end of the week, so using My Fitness Pal I changed my stats to reflect the training I was doing now and the hours I am putting in and it turns out I was eating under than what I needed by about 1000 calories... no wonder I was feeling run down! So now I am enjoying eating more, feeling energetic and training harder!
Carbs are also key! They help with the healing process after exercise and also with your energy levels, don't fear carbs, embrace them! 

How long have you been doing your routine, is it the same old same old, used to it routine, doesn't really excite you? 
Then change it! I change my routine every 8-10 weeks to keep it fresh and make sure I don't hit an exercise slump. 
Even if you have the same routine change the days you do it to make sure that your body is kept active, it doesn't get used to what your doing and basically surprise it! 
If you are a cardio lover who doesn't enter the weight section then change this up and add in some resistant training to the routine, it won't make you bulky and will help tone and tighten your body and also continue to burn calories after your routine. 
The heavier you go the more effective the training is, but start and exercise safely to avoid injury! 
Equally if you spend all your time in the weights section and never do any cardio you might want to change this! We all need exercises to get our heart rate going and the blood pumping, 20 mins of HIIT 3 times a week will keep your heart in shape and also your body in shape! 

Sleep is vital to getting the best out you, you cannot perform to your full potential when your run down and exhausted, trust me! 
I always make sure I go to bed about 9 on a week day as I get up at 5 so I try to make sure I get at least 8 hours sleep a night to make sure I am well rested for the day ahead,I am rubbish without sleep so early nights are a must! 
Weekend bedtimes are obviously a bit later... sometimes, but always making sure I get in 8-9 hours sleep. 
Rest days are also important to make sure your body recovers from the training you are doing. 
I am not a fan of rest days... but I am getting used to them, I use them to write my blog and study for my PT exam. 
I also use rest day as my cheat day - 1 cheat meal a week to reset my metabolism and also to make sure I dont deny myself of anything completely.  
You are more likely to stay on track with clean eating and training if you allow yourself a treat every now and again! 

So have a look at your programme and see the tweaks you can make to ensure your training to your best potential!

Sunday 16 August 2015


Currently I am sat on my couch aching all over!!! It has been an intense 2 weeks of exercise and it is only going to continue.
My trial crossfit sessions have been awesome, I have loved every minute of it and it has really opened my eyes to technique form and learning a whole new range of exercise.
It has been great to feel like I am succeeding in something and doing it well, I have also realised I a lot stronger than I give myself credit for but also that I have a long journey ahead before competing!
But hey I am a newbie at this and always willing to learn!

In other news I am without a laptop until next week! My lovely Mac decided to die on me so I am waiting on my new laptop to be delivered and then I can get back to working on my blog! I am currently on the iPad right now, it is slightly harder to type on and also inserting pictures is a slight nightmare so bare with me!

I am well on my way to training to become a PT yay! I have taken on a diploma course so I will have a lot more qualifications to go with the PT and also a lot more knowledge which is obviously key!!

Have a lovely Sunday people and I promise I will update as soon as I get my new laptop set up!

This week is a busy one with gym workouts in the am, 2 crossfit classes and 1 Olympic weightlifting class... Phew!

Have a good one people!

Friday 14 August 2015

Know your body type

There are 3 types of body types Ectomorph, Mesomorph and Endomorph. Knowing your body type is key to helping you develop your workouts and making sure you are working to your best potential for your body. 

Type 1: Ectomorph 
  • Typically skinny
  • Small frame
  • Lean muscle mass
  • Doesn't gain weight easily
  • Fast metabolism 
  • Flat chest
  • Small shoulders 
Workout types - short and intense and focus on big muscle groups.

Type 2: Mesomorph 
  • Athletic and rectangle shape 
  • Hard body with defined muscle 
  • Naturally strong 
  • Gains muscle easily 
  • Gains fat easier than ectomorph
  • Broad shoulders 
 Workout types - cardio and weight training, respond best to weight training, watch your calorie intake

Type 3: Endomorph
  • Soft and round body 
  • Typically short and stocky 
  • Gains muscle easily 
  • Gains fat easily 
  • Finds it hard to lose fat
  • Slow metabolism 
  • Large shoulders 
Workout types - cardio and weight training and watch your calorie intake. 

You may read these at first and think that you don't fit into one specific type, but if you read into detail on which one you will workout exactly which category you fit into and it will help you with your training plan. 

For example I am an endomorph, I gain fat easily but I also gain muscle easily - my quads are an example of this!
Watching my calorie intake and tweaking my training really helps with keeping my body fat down and keeping my muscle gain up. 

Always work to your best potential in your workouts, challenge yourself everyday to see the changes and to make sure you don't hit a slump. 


Wednesday 12 August 2015

Workout Wednesday - Stretching

Stretching is just as an important part of your workout as any other part. 
I tend to stretch post workout when my muscles are warm and have been worked, I focus on the muscles that I have worked that day e.g. back and shoulder day will get a good focus and then any other muscle that is tight, usually my hips! 
Stretching is a great way to allow the muscles to recover from your workout and will reduce the tightness the next day, especially after a particularly hard workout!
Tight muscles can effect your posture and also how fluid your movements are, so spending 10-15 minutes a day stretching out will not only benefit your workouts they will also benefit your everyday movements.
Stretching can also be good for the mind, stress can build tension in the muscles causing them to tighten up. Again taking the time out to stretch out is relaxing and will de-clutter your mind, giving you a mental break and helping prepare you for the tasks ahead or to de-stress after a long day.

Here are some stretches to get you started, put on some calm, slow paced music to help you really relax. 


Wednesday 5 August 2015

Workout Wednesday - Burpees

Burpees have a bad reputation, it is very rare I come across someone who likes doing burpees, but like all exercise they are really good for you and should be in your workout!

They are a good HIIT exercise and can be done in sets of 30 secs on and 30 secs rest. Do this for 5 sets and you have got a good cardio workout happening straight away!
They work your entire body and burn alot of calories, so why wouldn't you like them? They boost your endurance and strength, so overall they are a very effective exercise and like any exercise the more you do it the better you will get at it!

Once you have mastered the art of the burpee, step it up and in some weights for the jumps with dumbells or a kettlebell swing instead, you could also add in a wall ball exercise as well just incase the burpee isn't hard enough!


Saturday 1 August 2015

Travel Essentials


Flying can take its toll on your skin and so can the sun when you arrive at your destination.
I am always over cautious when it comes to skin care and always carry around the essentials at home so why change when you are away? 

Here are my essential items I always travel with to make sure I keep my skin glowing and that I am taking good care of it! 

  • Water - my number one item, I always have water with me no matter what! Usually it is in the form of a large bottle, unless I am carrying it around on a day to day basis I opt for a smaller bottle. Constantly drinking water means I am always hydrated but it also hydrates you skin. The air conditioning on airplanes always dries out my skin, so I like having a large bottle of water with me on the flight to make sure I am constantly drinking like I would be on any other day! 
  • Mini moisturizer - if you are like me and always have dry skin then mini moisturizer will be your life saver! I always use it on my hands because certain soaps dry them out, but I find that again the air conditioning really effects my skin so having a little bottle of moisturizer helps to keep my skin feeling soft and smooth and not tight! 
  • Makeup wipes - I don't really wear makeup when I travel because I don't like having makeup on my skin for to long as it makes my skin breakout or dry, so I usually opt for mascara and a little bit of concealer underneath the eyes! Having makeup wipes in your bag are perfect on long haul flights especially if you want to freshen up before you land or re-do your make up before arrivals your skin will feel fresh and you will feel alot more human! 
  • Lip balm - Vaseline is my life saver, I swear by Vaseline and I hate when I leave the house without it! Same goes for traveling, it also means you have a back up moisturiser if you feel any dry patches and having nothing on you, I get dry elbows some times so I use it on my elbows to help with the dry skin
  • Sun tan lotion - seems self explanatory, but you would be surprised how many people neglect wearing sun tan lotion! I take a range of factors but always start on factor 30 for the first few days to make sure I am fully protected and don't burn! Who wants to burn on your first day of holiday? Just because you are wearing sun tan lotion does not mean that you won't tan, it simply means you won't burn! Simple science and also protects your skin from sunspots, keeps it moisturized and in the long run will keep your skin looking young and fresh, no one wants to age before their time! 
  • After Sun - Again something alot of people don't bother taking! After sun is perfect to prolong the tan and replenish any moisture that was lost throughout the day. I use lotion with Aloe Vera in for extra moisture and a nicer smell! Top tip - keep it in the fridge for a nice cool effect after spending the day in the sun, it is really refreshing and feels so good! 

What are your travel essentials? I would love to hear from you  


Friday 31 July 2015

The post holiday body - what happens now?


So you have been working hard for months getting your body 'bikini ready' you have the holiday and now is the time to relax, eat what you like, workout if you feel like it and all round relax and enjoy yourself, then you arrive home, look at the killer tan you have from holiday, but then notice the body you worked so hard for, well it is no longer there. 
First of all welcome to the holiday club, I had almost abs at the beginning of my holiday, now not so much, I am softer than I was 10 days, I haven't gained any weight but I am feeling out of shape, but you know what I had an awesome time away, add good food, worked out and relaxed, and now I am back I know I will clean up my eating, get back to my full workouts and get back to where I was in no time! 

I make an effort to workout on holiday not because I force myself but because I enjoy my workouts, I went lighter on the routine for the past 10 days, spending about 40 mins doing different weight exercises and 20 mins of cardio and abs each day to keep me active, I also swam alot during the day and we walked every where which is always an added bonus! 
As we were staying in an apartment we had the advantage of being able to cook our own meals and then eating out at different restaurants and picking exactly what we wanted to eat.
I love all inclusive but having this change meant I drank less, ate healthier and basically got to make my own choices - no chips! 
I ate pizza, bread and crisps and had ice cream of course, I think the gym helped balance it and some days I got bogged down with weight worries but then I took a step back, knowing it is only 10 days and that I am away to enjoy myself! 

So now it is back to the grind, I got straight back into my routine yesterday when I returned and cleaned up my eating, today was my first day back properly weight training - chest and back - but it felt so good! Yesterday was cardio and HIIT session, both felt awesome and I don't actually feel too bad, which was good! 

So if you are heading on holiday and unsure of eating and drinking my advice would be everything in moderation but also relax and enjoy yourself. You know you can sort it out the minute you get home, if you have the chance to workout then go for it 3 times a week just to get the body moving and trust me it will make you feel so much better! 

Happy summer holidays!

Thursday 30 July 2015

Post Holiday and ready to get back to the grind

Well hello there! 
I returned this morning from a wonderful 10 days away in the sun and I can honestly say I really feel SO much better for it! 
If you are feeling stressed, down or just a bit defeated I highly recommend getting away if you can, if not for a week or so just take a long weekend and you will really feel the benefits from it! 

I had a lot of time to think whilst I was away about my life and where it is going and I honestly feel more positive with the actions I am taking to improve my life and change myself for the better. 

First of all I took the plunge and have enrolled to take a diploma for working in the fitness industry... more to come later on, I have also signed up for 2 week trial at my local cross fit gym! 
I am really excited, I love the training I am doing but I need a goal and I have decided to give cross fit a try and see if I enjoy it, and then compete in the cross fit games. Basically my life is going to start revolving alot more around fitness, more so that it already does, and eventually my job will be part of the fitness industry as well! Yay, exciting. 

For the meantime whilst I am still working at my current job I am making sure I don't get to bogged down with work outside of work, and that my life and mind does not revolve around it when it is out of my control, I don't want to become obsessive and stressed like I did before, I just want to be good at what I do, and also have my life outside of work.

I also want to make sure I travel more, I love to travel and see new places so I am making sure that I do these things when I have money and am able to that I make sure I do it!

In the near future aka next few months, what are left of this year... eek! I am focusing on building my body to its best potential, studying hard, building this blog and working hard whilst at my actual job. 
I feel ready to take on the world again, which is an awesome feeling compared to 2 weeks ago. 


Wednesday 29 July 2015

Workout Wednesday - Lunges

Building the butt up doesn't just come from squats alone! Working all the different muscles in your glutes will ensure a nice peachy butt coming your way!

There are 3 muscle sections in your butt and you need to work every one of them to make sure you are working to your full potential. 

So with lunges we are focusing on the maximus part of the butt. 

Lunges can be done in a number of different ways, body weight alone, walking lunges with dumbells, static lunges with dumbells, with a bar or sandbag on your shoulders... the list goes on. Basically any lunge is a good lunge as long as your working to your full potential and also you technique is correct!

Step forward with your right leg around 2 feet or so from the foot being left stationary behind and lower your upper body down, while keeping the torso upright and maintaining balance. Inhale as you go down.
Do not allow your knee to go forward beyond your toes as you come down, as this will put stress on the knee joint. 

Include these exercises in your leg routine to see the results! I am on holiday but I can assure I am still lunging!


Wednesday 22 July 2015

Workout Wednesday - Work those arms

Summer is upon us... (sorry Australia) but for me summer is here and so are the sleeveless tops and baring of the arms!! 
Whether it be a party, your wedding, being a wedding guest, holiday or just general everyday baring the arms, it is time to get those arms working, build up those muscles and get rid of the dreaded bingo wings! 

Here are my top 5 exercises: 

1. Bicep curl - choose a weight that you can lift, but also a weight that is heavy so you can feel the exercise - don't worry about being "bulky" because you pick up a 6kg instead of a 3kg - and curl! 
A simple yet effective exercise that will build up those biceps and the shape in your arm. 

2. Tricep dip - again choose a good amount of weight, hold it behind your head, then pull up the weight and dip. This is perfect for the triceps aka the wings area. Tighten these up to avoid the bingo wings and again shape up those arms 

3. Shoulder press - ok so not technically your arm, but part that area and nothing rounds off a nice shape like a good pair of shoulders! The shoulder press is a great exercise to target this area. Take 2 dumbells and hold your arms like you are flexing, press the weights above your head in a controlled motion and bring the weights back down. 

4. Chin ups - these will focus on your back as well as your arms. Depending on how you position your arms will depend on what muscles you work the most. My pull up position works mainly my biceps and my back. 

5. Push ups - whilst these focus on the chest and abs, its also focuses on your arm and shoulder muscles. Press ups can be executed in 2 different ways - on your knees or in a plank position. If you want to make it harder add extra weight  to the exercise by laying a plate on your back. 

Do each exercise for 4 sets, 12 reps each time and you are on to a winner! Increase the weight with each set, or at least every other set to really feel it work! 


Saturday 18 July 2015

Dry Skin Brushing

I am off on holiday tomorrow so have been focusing on making sure I am feeling my best, including my skin, typically had a massive breakout this week, but I am hoping that 2 weeks of no make-up and realaxing will take care of that! 

But I have also been dry brushing my skin religiously every morning before I shower to reduce the cellulite and build up of fatty tissue around my thighs and on my hips, and I really believe this has been working for me. 

I can see a difference in my skin and it is defiantly less bumpy and looking ALOT better! 

The best thing about this little trick is the brush cost me £3 and that was it! I highly recommend buying once of these brushes and using it everyday, not only for cellulite, but also to help with dry skin, cell renewal and blood flow. 

Brush in the direction of the heart in long stokes, and counter clockwise on the stomach. Don't press to hard as the skin should not be red once you have finished! 

Take before and after pictures to see if it is working for you, but I promise after about 3 continuous weeks of doing this you will start to notice a difference!


Thursday 16 July 2015

Live the life you, love the life you live

I love this saying and I feel it is time to start applying it to my own life. 
At the tender age of 25 (nearly 26) I thought by now I would be in a career I was in love with, that I get excited about every day. Of course when I was dreaming this dream my dream job was a photographer travelling far and wide, or a wedding dress designer (aged 7-10) and now when I close my eyes at night and dream of my perfect life everything I already have is there but my job. 

I like my job... but I don't love it. I don't wake up excited to go to work (does anyone), and when I talk about I talk with enthusiasm but not over excited passion. 
Not like when I talk about fitness, training and the gym. I wake up excited to workout and spend my time in the gym, I love reading and researching different exercises to do, push myself everyday and excel at what I do. 

I lost alot of weight between the age of 18-21, I have experiemented with different workouts and getting myself into shape, and I want to inspire others to do the same. 
I want to be the reason someone wakes up happier because they are comfortable in their own skin and love the way they look. 

So the hunt for the personal training and nutrition courses have begun! I posted a while ago about changing my career path, and now I am on a mission. 
I want to work in a gym and be the trainer that inspires others, helps people out and loves their job. I have a trainer at my gym like that and his energy and enthusiasm is catching.

I am putting together my 5 year plan and it is ambitious and exciting, and by the time I am 30 I will be working well into the career I want to do. 

You are never to old to change what you want to do in life, I don't think 25 is old but when I was younger I thought I would be living the dream by now, and I almost am but there are things missing that only I can fix! 

Get excited with my guys! This is the beginning of something beautiful! 

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