Wednesday 16 March 2016

Workout Wednesday - Burpee box jump over

Take one burpee add in a box jump over and you get one of the most brutal exercises I have done in a while! 

Burpees and jumping over anything are tough, I don't mind burpees when they are simple standard burpees... kind of but adding in a jump and that heart rate is going to shoot up unless you control that breathing! So why am I suggesting this move for you - because it is a fantastic exercise for the whole body, get that blood pumping, heart working and an all round good fat burning exercise! 

So the equipment you need is a box to jump on to, if there are no boxes at your gym then set up a barbell with 20kg plate on - enough to create a good height for you to jump over, and mats on the floor if you need them. 

You can start this exercise off in two ways, either facing the bar or box or to the side. It really makes no difference unless the exercise specifies facing the bar. 
The burpees will happen first - this is to be a hand release chest to the floor burpee! None of this half burpee I see where people going into a plank and springing back up! Get that chest to the floor!

Next is the jump over the bar or onto the box. Position yourself so you are close enough to jump on or over to make sure you don't trip or fall! Once on top of the box jump down and perform another burpee, and repeat!

Look at doing 30 seconds of these with 30 seconds rest for 12 minutes and you will really feel a goo burn! 

If you want to add it into a routine I did a great one on Saturday of the following - 
15x box jumps 
10x pull ups 
15x burpees 
10x wall balls 

for 20 minutes as many reps as possible

Combine the box jumps and burpees together for 15 reps and add in 15x kettlebell swings to replace the 4th exercise. 

Let me know how you get on and enjoy!! 


Thursday 10 March 2016

Achieving your goals

Happy March everyone! Can you believe it is March already? I feel like this year is zooming by already! 

So 3 months in, lets check on those new years resolutions... who is sticking to them and whose have ended up brushed under the carpet? 

If you are in the latter you are probably not alone! It isn't because your a failure or never going to achieve anything, it is simply because you set unrealistic goal or unrealistic time scales for you to achieve these. For example losing 1 stone in 1 month... if you want to keep it off and do it in a healthy way then no this is not a good time scale.

So lets reset it is only March there are 9 months left in the year for you to achieve your 2016 goals we just need to re-evaluate time scales and those goals you have set! 

Here are some tips for your to take into account:

  • Look at the time scale you have set yourself - are these possible? If you set yourself a goal of 7lbs to loose in one week you will fail, I can tell you this because it just isn't possible and if you do loose it in one week then it will not long lasting and will be dangerous for your health. Aim for 1lb per week and if you achieve more great, but 1lb is alot and you should be proud of this loss! 
  • Is your goal going to make you happy - you are working to this goal but what is it doing for you? Goals are selfish they are what you want to achieve so they should bring satisfaction - lifting a heavy weight, hitting that long awaited PB or wearing that swimsuit on holiday. If it is going to make you happy when you achieve it go for it, you will probably find that when you achieve it you will be hungry for more! That's how I feel when  I hit a PB once that goal is achieved I look for the next number to hit
  • Work towards it every day - don't go in half assed, go for it and work your butt off to achieve it! Make a plan and stick to it! A fail to plan is a plan to fail 
  • Set mini goals - if your ultimate goal is a big one set mini goals as check in points - every 6 weeks check in your mini goal and see if you have achieved it, over succeeded it or if there is still more work to be done, the beauty of a mini goal is that you can keep yourself on track and if you need to tweak some things you can make the changes and see the difference
  • Don't get frustrated - if you don't achieve something right a way look at why you are failing - going back to the beauty of mini goals - look at what your doing wrong and fix it. for example I am working on toes to bar - I cant get the kick high enough so I worked on loosening my back and my lat strength as this is key is lasting is a continuous loop of toes to bar. Its frustrating that I am not there yet but I am working at all the small parts to make the bigger picture!
If you are looking to get back on track and want a personalised plan, please send me across an email with details and we can put something together for you! 
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