Wednesday 16 March 2016

Workout Wednesday - Burpee box jump over

Take one burpee add in a box jump over and you get one of the most brutal exercises I have done in a while! 

Burpees and jumping over anything are tough, I don't mind burpees when they are simple standard burpees... kind of but adding in a jump and that heart rate is going to shoot up unless you control that breathing! So why am I suggesting this move for you - because it is a fantastic exercise for the whole body, get that blood pumping, heart working and an all round good fat burning exercise! 

So the equipment you need is a box to jump on to, if there are no boxes at your gym then set up a barbell with 20kg plate on - enough to create a good height for you to jump over, and mats on the floor if you need them. 

You can start this exercise off in two ways, either facing the bar or box or to the side. It really makes no difference unless the exercise specifies facing the bar. 
The burpees will happen first - this is to be a hand release chest to the floor burpee! None of this half burpee I see where people going into a plank and springing back up! Get that chest to the floor!

Next is the jump over the bar or onto the box. Position yourself so you are close enough to jump on or over to make sure you don't trip or fall! Once on top of the box jump down and perform another burpee, and repeat!

Look at doing 30 seconds of these with 30 seconds rest for 12 minutes and you will really feel a goo burn! 

If you want to add it into a routine I did a great one on Saturday of the following - 
15x box jumps 
10x pull ups 
15x burpees 
10x wall balls 

for 20 minutes as many reps as possible

Combine the box jumps and burpees together for 15 reps and add in 15x kettlebell swings to replace the 4th exercise. 

Let me know how you get on and enjoy!! 


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