Wednesday 27 May 2015

Workout Wednesday - Russian Twist

Having a strong core is as important as any other muscle and you should ideally be adding a full core session into your routine - I do mine the same day as I do my cardio so my session is split with 45 mins cardio and then 45 mins abs.

So Russian twists are an awesome for targeting all ab areas - they can be done in a variety of ways if you are new to this exercise then I would start slowly and build this exercise up!

Sit on the floor and bring your knees up with your feet flat on the floor - if you have done this exercise before then elevate your legs so they are still bent at the knees but now in the air.
Sit up with a slight lean creating a V with your body.
Using a weight or kettle bell - I use an 8kg kettle bell, twist your torso from side to side keeping your core engaged and your back straight.

Repeat this for 12 reps 3 sets.


Monday 25 May 2015


It is bank holiday here in England today so I am using this day to catch up on some well needed rest, "trashy tv" (Total Divas - I don't fine it trashy!) my blog and just little things in general, after the gym of course!
I love 3 day weekends, I feel I have been so busy every weekend lately that it is nice to just take some time and relax! 

I am also planning my next 8 weeks of training and eating - the prep in on! Unfortunately it is not for competing (next year I hope!) but it is for something equally exciting - HOLIDAY! Ten days in the sun!

So the next couple of weeks will be updates and training tips - I am trying fasted cardio so expect a review on that soon- we will also be looking at staying healthy on holiday and tips for healthy eating out! 

For daily updates check out my Instagram and Twitter and hit the follow button!
I use social media to inspire and motivate myself and I hope this is what mine does for others! 

I hope you have a lovely rest of your Monday, I am off for some lunch and to read the rest of my book! 


Wednesday 20 May 2015

Workout Wednesday - skipping rope

Want an exercise that will challenge your fitness and coordination? Then skipping is for you!
If your like me and have a short attention span and need new exercises to keep you interested then skipping is for you!

I remember skipping all the time when I was in school and have recently rediscovered my love for skipping.

Adding it to my cardio routine and at the end of a my leg sessions I am using it to strengthen my legs and to shake up the cardio.
Skipping is a great exercise to work the heart and lungs, improve your fitness and muscle strength, as well as improving your balance and coordination.
As well as working your physical fitness it will also challenge your mental fitness as you will need to engage both sides of your brain to keep you coordination.

As this exercise can be done anywhere there are no excuses to not grab a rope and skip away! Don't be disheartened if it takes you a will to get the hang of it, soon enough you will be skipping faster and lighter than a boxer!!


Monday 18 May 2015

Change is always good!!

Lots of changes are going to be happening in the next few months!

One is going to be my training programe I am training for the great south run in October and now after a month and half off training I am back on it and feeling good! 

I am going to revamp the training programe making sure I am the strongest and fittest I have ever been! 

I will also be studying to qualify as a personal trainer and fitness instructor a life long ambition of mine, finally I can push to make my dream a reality! 

My boyfriend said something very interesting to me this weekend, he said if you treated every task like you do when you do squats you would smash everything you ever wanted to do.
Believe in yourself babe because you can do anything when you put your mind to it. 

So I am and I will!! 


Friday 15 May 2015

Spicy Salsa Chicken

Sometimes you need a little spice in your life and food is a good way to do it! 

This spicy salsa chicken is a perfect light summers meal that can be made as mild or as spicy as you like! 

Serves 4 
  • chicken breasts x4 
  • Red pepper x2
  • Spring Onion x5
  • Mushrooms
  • Chorizo
  • Salsa sauce 
  • Chopped tomatoes x1 tin 
  • Nandos mild sauce 
Prep time - 10 minutes, cooking time - 30 minutes

  • Chopped all veg into chunks and put into a pan with some cooking oil 
  • Whilst the vegetables are cooking dice the chicken into chucks 
  • Add the chicken to the mixture and cook through
  • Once the chicken has cook through add in the chorizo and continue to stir until everything is cooked
  • Add in the chopped tomatoes and salsa, stir the sauce into the meat and vegetables 
  • Add in a few drops of Nandos sauce and stir into the mixture 
  • Leave to simmer for about 10 minutes to allow the flavours to soak into the chicken 
  • Serve with either pasta or rice 
It is a really simple recipe but so tasty and ideal for lunches or dinner. 
I have started cooking in bulk to this actually served as dinner and 2 lunches for me last week! 

The beauty of this meal is that it is versatile so you can add in different spices and favours depending on how hot or mild you like it! 



Wednesday 13 May 2015

Workout Wednesday - Front Squats

Legs are my favourite part of body to train, controversial I know, but I love it, I feel I achieve alot when training legs! 
So I am always looking to try new leg exercises, and this one is a gooden! 

Front squats! Now I can back squat 95kg (new personal recent gym record) so I was like ok sure I will try this, how hard can this be... very that's how hard! 

So far I have front squatted 30kg which I am pretty pleased with because the first time I tried this I almost toppled over! 

The guy who showed me the exercise suggested I put two small weight plates under my heels to help with my balance and this really worked.

The technique is quite simple - there are two different ways to hold the bar - pictured below:

I opted for the first hold as I wasn't sure about holding the bar the second way - in terms of keeping it steady, but we warned the first hold is quite hard on the wrists!

I find with this squat you can go down further, but slow and controlled movements to ensure you keep your balance and don't fall over! 

It is a great exercise and focuses on the quads more than the hamstrings, it also works upper body muscles as well as your core. 

It is hard work, but a good exercise if your looking to work different muscles and challenge yourself - going for 40kg front tomorrow and 100kg back squat... wish me luck!!

Sunday 10 May 2015


This weekend has been a good one. I spent the entire weekend away with family and my boyfriend to celebrate my uncles birthday.
Since moving out, I obviously see less of the parents so it was nice to spend some quality time with them just having fun, a few drinks and basically enjoying life.
This week is also set to be a good one as its is the boys bday week! I am excited to celebrate with and his family this week!

I have been stressing recently alot about my body and how it is changing. So last night was nice to let go, relax and enjoy myself, and realize that it really isn't worth the stress.

So currently I am watching Richie Rich, preparing for the week ahead and writing some posts.

I hope you had a wonderful weekend, and a great week ahead!


Friday 8 May 2015

Sometimes you will suck

Weird title when promoting positivity right?

Well it is kind of true... its not a permanent state of course, but everyone has their off days, we are only human after all! 

Picture this - so last Sunday, I went to the gym as usual, I was having a low confidence, bad body kinda few days - I was bloated, felt out of shape, tired, stressed etc but I powered through thinking the gym will fix this. 

I got there and we began the training, all was going well, I had a few hicups, banged a weight against my shin, couldn't get the balance quite right etc, almost winded myself during leg press (came down way to quickly) then I moved on to squats - now if you follow me on Twitter on Instagram, the squats have been progressing nicely, so I start my sets and the squats are fine, nice and low, great posture - excellent - then I come to rack the weight, and I can't, so my boyfriend helped me, I laugh it off and get ready for the next set - same pattern exercise is great but I cannot rack this bloody weight! After 3 attempts again I had to be helped, this time I walk away take a few breathes, then come back for my next set - yup same thing happens again and I just loose it and start CRYING in the gym - full blown stress induced, frustrated tears - cue sympathetic but slightly uncomfortable boyfriend asking what was wrong and I just reply I suck, I can't even rack the weight... he turned to me and said welcome to work of weight lifting babe - some days will not be your day, the next day you will be the best again. 

I spent a lot of Sunday reflecting on this, and decided that yes ok parts of my workouts had sucked but I had still worked my butt off (literally) and overall it wasn't so bad! 
I also decided to change my mind set - if I didn't like what I saw change it - make the tweaks you have been promising in your diet and push yourself harder in the gym, lift heavier and work to your best potential. 
So I walked into the gym that Monday and I worked for what I wanted - lifting heavier and leaving the gym feel awesome and proud of myself - and as it was arm day a nice little pump going on! 

What I am trying to say is, having an off day isn't the end of the world, it is just one day - move past it and focus on the bigger goal you are trying to achieve! 


Wednesday 6 May 2015

Workout Wednesday - Lateral Raise - front and side

I always do these exercises together - one because they work the same group of muscles, two because they are not my favourite exercise and like to get them out of the way!!

They are of course a fantastic exercise for anterior and medial delts, which sit on the front and sides of the shoulder (front raise) and the lateral deltoids, located on the side of the shoulder (side raise)

This exercise is usually performed with dumbells, the front raises can be performed with a bar if you wish.

Front raise:

Start with your weights by your thighs, engage your core to make sure you do not swing when you bring the weights up.
Bring the weights up in front of you to shoulder level, then lower in the same controlled movement.
Repeat for 12 reps and 4 sets - rest 30-45 seconds in between each set.

Side raise:

Start with the weights by your side, again engage your core to make sure your movement is stable.
Bring the weight up, lifting your arms out to the side, with a slight bend in the elbow to shoulder level, then lower.
Repeat for 12 reps and 4 sets - rest for 30-45 seconds in between each set.

If you want to mix up the exercise, alternate between front and side raises.
To really feel the burn, increase the weight each time and then finish on a drop set, decreasing the weight each set but have no rest inbetween!!

Looking for exercise tips, advice or have your questions answered? 

Monday 4 May 2015

Smooth Operator

This week I bought a blender and it was a very good purchase!
I am a fan of fruit and veg don't get me wrong, but I sometimes find it hard to digest, put it in a smoothie however and I am all set!

This week I tried 2 different smoothies the first was a berry smoothie - raspberries, blueberries and strawberries with cranberry juice in to add more juice and 2 spoonfuls of greek yogurts.
The second was a recipe I picked up over at Fittamamma - their spinach smoothie is delicious and such an amazing green colour!

Strawberries are fantastic antioxidents and great for your skin giving you that summer glow! I have had a massive breakout this week, but now I can feel it clearing up - my mum always says it's the rubbish escaping your body!
They also stimulate the burning of stored fat, lower cardiovascular diseases and promote bone health.
Then we throw in the raspberries - another great antioxidant and also a good source of fibre, high in a range of vitamins and minerals and also low in calories and sugar!
And finally the blueberries - boosting brain health, reduce your cancer risk and improve your heart health! This is one healthy smoothie!
The greek yogurt contains some protein - making this smoothie ideal for a post workout drink.
I added in the fruit juice to make the mixture less thick - however I have been told to try the coconut water over fruit juice so I will be trying this next!

Prep is easy - just cut into small pieces and blend!
The more fruit you add the more you get from the mixture

Next up the spinach smoothie! Since Fittamamma are the creators I am going to direct you over to their website for the recipe and benefits!
Your don't have to be pregnant to enjoy this smoothie, high in vitamins, minerals and actually quite tasty, spinach is really good vegetable to be including in your diet!
It is also great for healthy hair and skin - no wonder my hair is so shiny this week!

Click here for the recipe!


Friday 1 May 2015

Homemade Pizza

So I am a massive pizza fan - huge - we all saw the Dominos picture I am sure, but I was intregued to try making my own pizza, trying to opt for a healthier (sort of) version of my favourite food!

So here is the recipe for homemade pizza - it was so good I actually forgot to take a picture until I had eaten it...


  • Pizza base - I bought a gluten and wheat free base from sainsburys 
  • Cheese
  • Tomato puree
  • Toppings of your choice - I had chicken, chorizo and peppers

Prep time 10 mins cooking time 15-20mins

  • spread tomato puree onto the base of the pizza evenly
  • grate the cheese and put on to the base 
  • place your toppings on
  • put into a pre heated oven and make sure it is cooked through 
  • enjoy! 

Like I said it isn't super healthy or calorie free but it is tasty and if your looking for a less fatty, calorie intense experience with pizza this is what I would recommend!

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