Friday 31 July 2015

The post holiday body - what happens now?


So you have been working hard for months getting your body 'bikini ready' you have the holiday and now is the time to relax, eat what you like, workout if you feel like it and all round relax and enjoy yourself, then you arrive home, look at the killer tan you have from holiday, but then notice the body you worked so hard for, well it is no longer there. 
First of all welcome to the holiday club, I had almost abs at the beginning of my holiday, now not so much, I am softer than I was 10 days, I haven't gained any weight but I am feeling out of shape, but you know what I had an awesome time away, add good food, worked out and relaxed, and now I am back I know I will clean up my eating, get back to my full workouts and get back to where I was in no time! 

I make an effort to workout on holiday not because I force myself but because I enjoy my workouts, I went lighter on the routine for the past 10 days, spending about 40 mins doing different weight exercises and 20 mins of cardio and abs each day to keep me active, I also swam alot during the day and we walked every where which is always an added bonus! 
As we were staying in an apartment we had the advantage of being able to cook our own meals and then eating out at different restaurants and picking exactly what we wanted to eat.
I love all inclusive but having this change meant I drank less, ate healthier and basically got to make my own choices - no chips! 
I ate pizza, bread and crisps and had ice cream of course, I think the gym helped balance it and some days I got bogged down with weight worries but then I took a step back, knowing it is only 10 days and that I am away to enjoy myself! 

So now it is back to the grind, I got straight back into my routine yesterday when I returned and cleaned up my eating, today was my first day back properly weight training - chest and back - but it felt so good! Yesterday was cardio and HIIT session, both felt awesome and I don't actually feel too bad, which was good! 

So if you are heading on holiday and unsure of eating and drinking my advice would be everything in moderation but also relax and enjoy yourself. You know you can sort it out the minute you get home, if you have the chance to workout then go for it 3 times a week just to get the body moving and trust me it will make you feel so much better! 

Happy summer holidays!

Thursday 30 July 2015

Post Holiday and ready to get back to the grind

Well hello there! 
I returned this morning from a wonderful 10 days away in the sun and I can honestly say I really feel SO much better for it! 
If you are feeling stressed, down or just a bit defeated I highly recommend getting away if you can, if not for a week or so just take a long weekend and you will really feel the benefits from it! 

I had a lot of time to think whilst I was away about my life and where it is going and I honestly feel more positive with the actions I am taking to improve my life and change myself for the better. 

First of all I took the plunge and have enrolled to take a diploma for working in the fitness industry... more to come later on, I have also signed up for 2 week trial at my local cross fit gym! 
I am really excited, I love the training I am doing but I need a goal and I have decided to give cross fit a try and see if I enjoy it, and then compete in the cross fit games. Basically my life is going to start revolving alot more around fitness, more so that it already does, and eventually my job will be part of the fitness industry as well! Yay, exciting. 

For the meantime whilst I am still working at my current job I am making sure I don't get to bogged down with work outside of work, and that my life and mind does not revolve around it when it is out of my control, I don't want to become obsessive and stressed like I did before, I just want to be good at what I do, and also have my life outside of work.

I also want to make sure I travel more, I love to travel and see new places so I am making sure that I do these things when I have money and am able to that I make sure I do it!

In the near future aka next few months, what are left of this year... eek! I am focusing on building my body to its best potential, studying hard, building this blog and working hard whilst at my actual job. 
I feel ready to take on the world again, which is an awesome feeling compared to 2 weeks ago. 


Wednesday 29 July 2015

Workout Wednesday - Lunges

Building the butt up doesn't just come from squats alone! Working all the different muscles in your glutes will ensure a nice peachy butt coming your way!

There are 3 muscle sections in your butt and you need to work every one of them to make sure you are working to your full potential. 

So with lunges we are focusing on the maximus part of the butt. 

Lunges can be done in a number of different ways, body weight alone, walking lunges with dumbells, static lunges with dumbells, with a bar or sandbag on your shoulders... the list goes on. Basically any lunge is a good lunge as long as your working to your full potential and also you technique is correct!

Step forward with your right leg around 2 feet or so from the foot being left stationary behind and lower your upper body down, while keeping the torso upright and maintaining balance. Inhale as you go down.
Do not allow your knee to go forward beyond your toes as you come down, as this will put stress on the knee joint. 

Include these exercises in your leg routine to see the results! I am on holiday but I can assure I am still lunging!


Wednesday 22 July 2015

Workout Wednesday - Work those arms

Summer is upon us... (sorry Australia) but for me summer is here and so are the sleeveless tops and baring of the arms!! 
Whether it be a party, your wedding, being a wedding guest, holiday or just general everyday baring the arms, it is time to get those arms working, build up those muscles and get rid of the dreaded bingo wings! 

Here are my top 5 exercises: 

1. Bicep curl - choose a weight that you can lift, but also a weight that is heavy so you can feel the exercise - don't worry about being "bulky" because you pick up a 6kg instead of a 3kg - and curl! 
A simple yet effective exercise that will build up those biceps and the shape in your arm. 

2. Tricep dip - again choose a good amount of weight, hold it behind your head, then pull up the weight and dip. This is perfect for the triceps aka the wings area. Tighten these up to avoid the bingo wings and again shape up those arms 

3. Shoulder press - ok so not technically your arm, but part that area and nothing rounds off a nice shape like a good pair of shoulders! The shoulder press is a great exercise to target this area. Take 2 dumbells and hold your arms like you are flexing, press the weights above your head in a controlled motion and bring the weights back down. 

4. Chin ups - these will focus on your back as well as your arms. Depending on how you position your arms will depend on what muscles you work the most. My pull up position works mainly my biceps and my back. 

5. Push ups - whilst these focus on the chest and abs, its also focuses on your arm and shoulder muscles. Press ups can be executed in 2 different ways - on your knees or in a plank position. If you want to make it harder add extra weight  to the exercise by laying a plate on your back. 

Do each exercise for 4 sets, 12 reps each time and you are on to a winner! Increase the weight with each set, or at least every other set to really feel it work! 


Saturday 18 July 2015

Dry Skin Brushing

I am off on holiday tomorrow so have been focusing on making sure I am feeling my best, including my skin, typically had a massive breakout this week, but I am hoping that 2 weeks of no make-up and realaxing will take care of that! 

But I have also been dry brushing my skin religiously every morning before I shower to reduce the cellulite and build up of fatty tissue around my thighs and on my hips, and I really believe this has been working for me. 

I can see a difference in my skin and it is defiantly less bumpy and looking ALOT better! 

The best thing about this little trick is the brush cost me £3 and that was it! I highly recommend buying once of these brushes and using it everyday, not only for cellulite, but also to help with dry skin, cell renewal and blood flow. 

Brush in the direction of the heart in long stokes, and counter clockwise on the stomach. Don't press to hard as the skin should not be red once you have finished! 

Take before and after pictures to see if it is working for you, but I promise after about 3 continuous weeks of doing this you will start to notice a difference!


Thursday 16 July 2015

Live the life you, love the life you live

I love this saying and I feel it is time to start applying it to my own life. 
At the tender age of 25 (nearly 26) I thought by now I would be in a career I was in love with, that I get excited about every day. Of course when I was dreaming this dream my dream job was a photographer travelling far and wide, or a wedding dress designer (aged 7-10) and now when I close my eyes at night and dream of my perfect life everything I already have is there but my job. 

I like my job... but I don't love it. I don't wake up excited to go to work (does anyone), and when I talk about I talk with enthusiasm but not over excited passion. 
Not like when I talk about fitness, training and the gym. I wake up excited to workout and spend my time in the gym, I love reading and researching different exercises to do, push myself everyday and excel at what I do. 

I lost alot of weight between the age of 18-21, I have experiemented with different workouts and getting myself into shape, and I want to inspire others to do the same. 
I want to be the reason someone wakes up happier because they are comfortable in their own skin and love the way they look. 

So the hunt for the personal training and nutrition courses have begun! I posted a while ago about changing my career path, and now I am on a mission. 
I want to work in a gym and be the trainer that inspires others, helps people out and loves their job. I have a trainer at my gym like that and his energy and enthusiasm is catching.

I am putting together my 5 year plan and it is ambitious and exciting, and by the time I am 30 I will be working well into the career I want to do. 

You are never to old to change what you want to do in life, I don't think 25 is old but when I was younger I thought I would be living the dream by now, and I almost am but there are things missing that only I can fix! 

Get excited with my guys! This is the beginning of something beautiful! 


Tuesday 14 July 2015

Fasted Cardio and Clean eating - the results are in

So 6 weeks ago the fasted workouts and clean eating began, and the results are in.

The changes are subtle so I will be continuing after holiday but I am feeling good! I have lots about 1.5kg, gained muscle and gone down a dress size, and most importantly I feel pretty good about myself and also healthy eating and fasted workouts are no longer a chore, I am used to it and to be honest far more enjoying the healthy foods I am eating! 

 Week 1-3
 Week 4-6
Week 1-6

All taken at the same time each week, and even if the changes are not fully noticeable I can feel it with my clothing and the way I feel! 
I highly recommend the fasted workout and obviously the clean eating, I also upped my training going heavier on weights and more HIIT workouts. 

If you have any positive thoughts I would love to hear them, but keep the negatives ones to yourself ;) 


Monday 13 July 2015


New name and going for a new look.
It's been a while since I updated due to be super busy and then super stressed again I let everything slip away from me.

I will be doing a revamp and update religiously after I return from holiday I promise!

In the mean time for updates check out my Instagram rhiannonanghard22 or Twitter @sslexercise for regular updates and exercises!

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