Wednesday 28 October 2015


I started a new job on Monday so my routine has been a little out of wack! 
I start at 6am so morning workouts have been moved to the afternoon, with crossfit in the evening. 

It has started to hit me a little today, but I got over it and now there are only 2 days left and I will be on lates! 

I am avoiding coffee as I don't like drinking too much caffeine it effects my body and my digestion, eating is getting better, calories are up today but still under by about 600! It is difficult finding the time to eat everything, work and train! 

I am working on a new routine so it will take some time to get my head around everything and make sure I on target with everything and make sure I get enough rest in as well! 

Change is always good but it can mess up your routine, for me it is so important to get things on track straight away so I don't upset the workout routines too much... it isn't always possible but I am trying!


Tuesday 27 October 2015

Winter is coming - make sure your exercise motivation isn't leaving!

The nights and mornings are darker, its colder and your bed or sofa is way more appealing! 
Don't get me wrong we all feel like this, some mornings I could quite happily stay in bed where it is warm and cost, but the harsh reality that I have to get up and go to work anyway makes me get my butt moving and off to the gym. 

I have actually just changed jobs so I now work shifts, early one week, lates the next so my routine is going to be all over the place! But I just have to make it work! 

So just because it is colder and darker does not mean that the exercise routine should cease and the "winter bulking" commences oh no! Summer bodies are built in the winter, this is when you can get your best work in ready for that lovely summer holiday I know you are already dreaming of! 

So how can we keep the motivation we had over the summer when the mornings were light, it was hot and clothing kept us less than covered? 

Here are some of my tips:

  • Push through - ok sounds simple and it is! Once you get there you know you are going to enjoy it! Don't think of it as a chore, think of it as a fun way to start or end your day.
  • Keep the end goal in mind - strength, fitness, weight loss or just better health, whatever it is keep this in mind, and let it fuel you
  • Get social - I find social media a great place for motivation, especially Instagram! Follow your idols and get inspired seeing them workout and let this fuel you 
  • Pick a buddy - go to classes or exercise with a friend - you are more likely to go so you don't let your friend down
  • Get prepared - prep is everything, from food to preparing your clothes, if you are going to the gym in the morning, pack your bag and lunch ready for you to pick up and go layout your gym clothes and then all you have to do in the morning is get up and go! Equally take your gym cloths to work with you and go straight from work, skipping the middle man of your home where you are more likely to sit down and forget all about the gym! 


Wednesday 7 October 2015

Workout Wednesday - Box jumps

I have a serious love/hate relationship with box jumps, but the more you do them (forced) the more you begin to understand just why this little exercise is damm good!

Sounds simple, its just jumping, sure but do it 25 times in a row and repeat 3 times you might not be so happy about it!
Box jumps are a big part of the crossfit programme so with them being in my programme alot I have come to learn to get on with them, suck it up and complete the exercise with no complaints!

Most gyms have some form of box jump equipment - I know Fitness First has lovely soft boxes so if you miss the jump it doesn't hurt so much on your shins!

To properly execute a box jump click here to learn the technique.

I understand I have not sold the box jump well - so here are the benefits you will reap if you do start adding the box jumps to your routine!

  • Strong legs - when our gym had the boxes we used to put this exercise in at the end of theleg day routine, it was a killer but a good finisher! Box jumps force you to use not only your legs but also your arms so effectively it is a full body workout. If you really want to enhance the exercise add in a squat when landing.
  • They will improve your vertical jump, speed and endurance. 
  • They will keep you strong and improve your balance, also improving bone density making them stronger
  • It is a high calorie and fat burner. As it is classed as a HIIT exercise because of the explosive nature of the exercise it is a great fat and calorie burner - perfect for those who are looking to loose weight and build up fitness
Try them out and see for yourself! At first you may not feel comfortable doing it but keep at it and like any exercise you will become a badass in no time!

Sunday 4 October 2015


So lately life has been hectic! I have been away with work, handing in my notice at work and trying to get back on the wagon of exercising like a pro! 

The work trip was ok, I ran everyday but one which felt great and walked around 3-4 miles everyday, I ate pretty healthy with a few treats - the craving of a cheeseburger and chips got too much one night so I treated myself! I stayed clear of wine and again treated myself to a few cocktails on the last night coz hey why not! 
I got back and made sure I went straight to the gym the next day to make sure I got back into my routine straight away because there is nothing worse than getting out of it! 
I was admittedly exhausted after some seriously stressful months at work, but I pushed through, it wasn't until Wednesday when I was back at crossfit that I felt totally back on it and motivated again. 
It was a great feeling!  
Eating normal, healthy foods again and working out really makes a difference in how you feel! 

I am away travelling again this weekend, but this time it is a weekend break to Rome! I have a different mind set for holidays, here I will relax, eat in moderation what I want but not worry to much because hello Italian food is one of the best kind of foods! 

I am looking forward to having a straight set of about 8 weeks with no interruptions with exercise and my routine though, I know exercise isn't everything but I am really wanting to be competition ready for the new year and it means hard, dedicated work needs to take place!
I will have a few adjusting periods when I start my new job - I will be working shifts, one week early one week late, so I will need to make sure I adapt to my new hours and fit the training in. 

I am really excited about the next few months, I am feeling super positive and happy, something that hasn't been happening for a long time! 

I am working on introducing new features to the blog as well, so bare with me if I get a bit behind, I promise I am working on keeping it up to date!

On another note - I started my birthday yesterday just right with a nice personal best on the deadlift 95kg 2 rep max!
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