Monday 12 December 2016

Being SMART about your goals

Can you believe 2016 is nearly over? Just 20 short days are left of this year, and now begins the time to make the goals for 2017.

But when making the goals we want to achieve do we look at what it takes to achieve them? I mean really look and plan them out, writing down I want to get fit and go to the gym is a start but what does this mean. When will you achieve this by, what level of fit do you want to be, when does this end? 

SMART is a great way to plan out your goals and layout exactly how your will be achieving them.

Lets look at an example to explain a little more -

S - specific - be specific about your goal what exactly is it going to be 
M - measurable - how are you going to measure this - if you want to lose weight you will measure by scales and a tape measure, if you want to get fit you measure by fitness tests or for example being able to walk upstairs without being out of breath
A - achievable - how are you going to achieve this - what changes are you going to make? join a gym, make better food choices, hire a personal trainer to help you 
R- realistic - 2 stone in a month is not realistic and running a 10k in a month when you have never run before is also not realistic. Loosing weight 1lb per week or training for a 10k over a series of months will be mean you are more likely to achieve these goals and not feel disheartened if you don't achieve them quickly. 
T- time, set a deadline. With a clear cut line of what you want to achieve this you will know what you are working towards and are more likely to stay on track. 

My goals for 2017 are to work on all the little skills I am missing - strict strength, gymnastics, building my aerobic capacity ready for 2018 and to go back to competing.
I also want to work more on my personal training and coaching, continually educating myself in the field of strength and conditioning and making sure that I can be the best there is! 


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