Tuesday 16 February 2016

Mindful eat whilst abroad

In the summer I wrote about the build up to a holiday and remaining on track whilst your away - that was for a beach holiday, so what happens when your going on a city break that doesn't really involve the beach, wearing a bikini but does include layers of clothes, walking and covering up?

Well I would still keep on track is the simple answer. Weekend breaks or short holidays can sometimes be worse than longer holidays because you think ah its only a weekend it's ok, oh its only 5 days, but what happens after that, your off track, crap food has happened and your back to square one!

Ok maybe not square one but still it is a step back and even though rest days and cheat days are perfectly acceptable, if you want to achieve your goal mindful eating is key!

So how do we make this happen? You are going to be eating out most if not all nights if your staying in a hotel so just be careful what you chose when you eat, instead of having a 3 course meal just have a main, skip the bread starters, change the chips to potatoes or salad. All simple things that really add up!

Don't make the mistake of skipping meals and then eating a large dinner, keep your 3 meals a day with some snacks, especially if your out all day site seeing take healthy snacks with you to keep your energy levels high and the temptation for cake and chocolate at bay!

I always try to opt for a hotel with a gym or some kind of fitness suite so I can get at least an hour of activity in a day! Get up a bit earlier and get yourself moving you will thank yourself later in the day!

It is all about be sensible with your diet and not going to extremes! Treat yourself but make sure your don't go crazy!


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