Sunday 21 February 2016

Beat the Sunday night blues...

You've had a great weekend, eaten good food, got some good workouts in, seen friends and family, spent it with your loved one... then there is this feeling, it sets in around 4pm, the Sunday blues, the oh man the weekend is over and I have to go back to work blues. 

This is normally reserved for people in jobs who don't like them that much, know they have a hard week ahead, or if your like my dad who works away from home, leaving your loved one at home whilst you stay away for the week! 

I personally don't get the sunday blues that much any more, I don't mind my job so much, I get it more on an early shift because who likes a 4am wake up call but in general I don't mind it. 

But here are some ways to beat the sunday blues and make sure you make the most of your weekend without worrying about the week ahead! 

  • Get the boring stuff done first - But I have so much to do I hear you cry - especially if you have kids, it takes a lot more time to get things done! So prioritize the chores that need to be done when they are occupied or napping, or if they are old enough get them to join in! Get the boring stuff out the way first then spend the rest of the weekend enjoying your time. Once they have gone to bed that is you "me" time, spend it with your partner, watch some tv and enjoy the peace and quiet! If you are without children its still applies it just means you have less distractions! 
  • Take a bath - a hot bath with candles is a perfect way to end a weekend. Turn off the lights, light some candles, shut the door and breath. It's amazing how much better you can feel when you just shut everything out and just relax. 
  • Clean bedsheets - argue with me that there is nothing better than climbing into a clean bed and I will argue with you right back! I LOVE clean sheets, the feel, the smell - yes I never want to leave the bed again but it makes me feel so good, especially after my relaxing bath I feel ready to settle down.
  • Read - don't watch tv an hour before bed, especially in your bed! Put the laptop down, the phone away and any other technology and open that book. The read doesn't have to be relaxing, I love crime thrillers - not exactly bedtime reading but it works for me! 
  • Make your bedroom your sanctuary - I make sure my bedroom is for sleeping or bed activities.... nothing else, no eating, no working, no stress. My boyfriend does everything from bed... We have a small house and when I am downstairs he claims upstairs... I don't agree with this, by him working in bed, eating in bed and basically doing everything in that room I think he associates it more with stress without realising, he won't listen to me of course but I know that since I have stopped doing all those things in bed I have slept a lot better
  • Think positive - if you are feeling stressed write it down. By the time you are finished you normally feel ten times better, you have vented to the person who understands - you - and you have let your feelings go. When I was really stressed about things in my life I used to write a list of everything that bugged me and then I would burn it as a way to let go. It helps it really does, it may sound strange or stupid but I would give it a try! We have all seen the valentines ritual on friends right? Where they burn the picture of ex boyfriends to break the curse? Well this is the same thing just be careful with fire we don't want the fire brigade out! 
Try these any night of the week your feeling stressed, but try to introduce them on a Sunday for a nice end to the weekend, and don't get to bogged down in the little details of the week ahead - a positive mind set is key to a healthy positive lifestyle! 


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